U. of Georgia spirit starts with admissions staff

UGA, with its 34,000 students and 200+ majors, seems at first like any other large state university, but its 95% freshman retention rate beats the average rate of 75%, putting University of Georgia in league with Boston College, William & Mary, University of Maryland, and UC San Diego.
Georgia’s admissions staff–many of whom had 10 to 20 years with the school–took time out of their busy season of application reading to greet the IECA group of counselors and consultants. The legendary UGA spirit invigorated the staff.
Every reader undergoes training yearly, and the staff gave the group some advice for applicants. Grades and a rigorous schedule are more important that SAT or ACT scores. Unlike many schools, UGA does not track “demonstrated interest”; it doesn’t count the number of times you check their website. There are no in-state quotas, and both Georgians and out-of-state students are evaluated by the same criteria. About 18% of UGA students come from out of state.